Club Meetings
The German-American Society holds its regular meetings at 7:00 P.M. on the third Thursday at the Turner Hall, 619 North Salina Street, Syracuse. Call 315-675-8321 or 315-437-8746 for more information.
Feb 20 Board Meeting, Syracuse Turners, 6
Monthly Membership Meeting, Syracuse Turners, 7
Meeting Presentation: Fasching
Mär 20 Board Meeting, Syracuse Turners, 6
Monthly Membership Meeting, Syracuse Turners, 7
Apr 17 Board Meeting, Syracuse Turners, 6
Monthly Membership Meeting, Syracuse Turners, 7
Upcoming Events
Apr 12 International Taste Fest, Center of Progress Building, New York State Fairgrounds
Apr 28 German Student Scholarship Night, 5–9 at the Syracuse Turners
Aug 3 Annual Picnic at Long Branch Park
The German-American Society holds its regular meetings at 7:00 P.M. on the third Thursday at the Turner Hall, 619 North Salina Street, Syracuse. Call 315-675-8321 or 315-437-8746 for more information.
Feb 20 Board Meeting, Syracuse Turners, 6
Monthly Membership Meeting, Syracuse Turners, 7
Meeting Presentation: Fasching
Mär 20 Board Meeting, Syracuse Turners, 6
Monthly Membership Meeting, Syracuse Turners, 7
Apr 17 Board Meeting, Syracuse Turners, 6
Monthly Membership Meeting, Syracuse Turners, 7
Upcoming Events
Apr 12 International Taste Fest, Center of Progress Building, New York State Fairgrounds
Apr 28 German Student Scholarship Night, 5–9 at the Syracuse Turners
Aug 3 Annual Picnic at Long Branch Park